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Hanwha Investment & Securities provides
best financial product and asset management services.
We are the wealth management company.

Hanwha Investment &

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We are the wealth management company.

You may not know it, but financial planning is in every part of your life; whether you balance your monthly budget,
prepare for your children’s education and your retirement, or purchase a house, you are making financial plans.
What we’re trying to do at Hanwha Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. is to provide our clients with best financial solutions
that can guide you to grow your assets and pursue your life’s goals.

  • We provide services, not products.
  • Companies tend to gear toward selling more goods to customers.
    When financial companies try to sell more financial products,
    this can be a bad news for you if you are not equipped with sufficient
    information and knowledge.
  • We don’t sell financial products; we offer ways to guide you to invest
    in appropriate financial products and make sound investment decisions.

  • Clients are responsible for their own decisions
  • Needless to say, financial companies emphasize that you are responsible for your
    own investment decisions, especially when you are suffering from a loss.
  • Yes, it’s true, but we also believe that we should take more
    responsibility when it comes to guiding our clients in making better investment decisions.
  • We do not recommend financial products or investments that do not align with
    our clients’ risk profile; instead, we’re here to help you to make stable income within
    your risk boundaries.

  • Your trust is more important than anything else.
  • Asset management services are like interpreting your voice of life into
    language of finance. That’s why we always try to understand your values,
    translate it in the language of finance, and execute the plans together.
  • If someone doesn’t listen to you carefully, or be less capable of understanding
    your story, or even manipulate your goals for his or her own interests, then that
    person is not fit to serve you as a financial language interpreter; Hanwha
    Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. is committed to earn your trust based on
    integrity and professionalism, because your trust is what matters to us above
    everything else.

The Hanwha Philosophy

The philosophy of “Trust and Loyalty” form the basis of the growth Hanwha has achieved to this day.
This is the philosophy that enabled Hanwha to nurture its human-centric corporate culture and overcome hardships based
on mutual trust and strong sense of unity.

  • Trust

    • Trust means to be trustworthy for anyone under any
    • While internally aroused motivations, such as a sense of
      reward, pride, and joy, allow people to be more committed
      to their work and find happiness in life, trust induces delegation of authority and fosters a more liberal culture that encourages creativity.
    • The Hanwha philosophy 「Trust」 does not refer to being
      trustful only in certain circumstances or keeping promises
      with selective people, but
      the value of being a trustworthy person under any
      circumstances for anybody.
  • Loyalty

    • Loyalty is our ties with others, which, once forged, are to be
      cherished and upheld eternally.Enterprises serve the
      fundamental purpose of creating profit.
    • Therefore, it may seem unreasonable for a company to pursue loyalty even if it means to suffer a loss. Nevertheless, being loyal reveals its true worth when the business is in crisis.
      The Hanwha philosophy 「Loyalty」is to cherish every
      relationship built and willingly fulfill every duty arising from
      it—a philosophy to be embodied in our relationship with customers.
    • Once forged, the relationship with our customers need to
      be treasured as much as we value our own interests.
      This is what underlies Loyalty, the Hanwha philosophy.

The Way We Work

Hanwha is looking for talented people, who share our core values
such as a challenging spirit, dedication and integrity, and can act on those values.

    • People with a
      Challenging Spirit
    • Such people, instead of settling for the existing standards, pursue the best through changes and innovation.
    • They actively develop themselves to become the best professional in their area.
      They find out new opportunities and ways with an open mind and creative thinking. They set and achieve challenging goals with an “I can do it” spirit.
    • People who
      Demonstrate Dedication
    • Such people try their best for the greater good while thinking highly of relationships with companies, customers and colleagues.
    • They think about “we” first and make common goals their first priority.
      They value the promises made with customers and create customer values continuously.
      They work together and believe in their colleagues based on team spirit.
    • People of
    • Such people act properly
      based on principles and their
      sense of pride.

    • They act honestly following principles without tempting to immediate gains.
      They treat other people fairly and transparently based on their ability and performance regardless of their feelings toward them.